Camberley Community Group - Surrey Choices
Surrey Choices
The Camberley Community Group is based a short walk from the town centre. Camberley Community Group provide people with learning disabilities with a varied programme of sessions during the day, often using the local facilities in and around the town centre. The sessions encourage people to develop new skills to help them to live as independently as possible.
Camberley Community Group meet in the centre of the town and take part in a range of activities in the local area.
These include:
- Craft club
- Menu planning, shopping and cooking
- Money skills
- Relationships
- Gym sessions
- Bowling
- Travel awareness
- Reading skills
- Independence skills.
9am to 4pm
Camberley Community Group, Ian Goodchild Centre, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3SY
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