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Find out about major adaptations

Adaptations can help people who are older or have a disability, stay in their own homes safely and for longer. Major adaptations can include things like converting conventional bathrooms into wet rooms or installing a ‘through the floor’ lift.  

Help for those wishing to carry out changes - in the form of expertise and potential grants - is already available from Surrey County Council (SCC) and local councils, but residents have fed back that they don’t know where to start as the process is complicated. 

A collection of new webpages, Major adaptations - for disabled and older people is now available to provide people with comprehensive, step-by-step guidance to help them navigate the process. 

Developed and tested with help from residents themselves, SCC occupational therapists and district and borough councils, the pages explain everything from the first step of getting an Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment and how to apply for a Disability Facility Grant, right through to what permissions might be needed and what to expect during any building work if you are successful. Links to local councils’ planning and building departments who may need to be consulted are also included. 

To find out more, please visit Surrey County Council's Major adaptations - for disabled and older people website.