Planning for your Future Day – 11 March 2025
Surrey County Council is planning an awareness day on 11 March 2025 to provide another focal point for their ongoing Planning for your Future campaign, being run in partnership with Age UK Surrey.
This aims to:
- support self-funders, care arrangers and carers to plan early for care and help avoid decision-making at crisis point
- encourage residents to have discussions about care options and financial planning, connect to support locally and stay independent
- improve residents’ confidence to navigate the health and social care system
- help ensure that professionals can support residents with accurate information, advice and guidance
The campaign has been running since Autumn 2023 and over 2,000 people have now attended the events, which are also supported by a marketplace showcasing key preventative services.
Feedback has been consistently positive with residents appreciating the vital information shared. People have been connected to relevant support much of which they had not been aware of prior to the events.
Research with the Surrey Heartlands Citizens Panel in December 2024 shows that 3% more people have made plans compared to April 2022, proof of the impact the campaign is making.
Three neighbouring local authorities- Hampshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire - will work with Surrey County Council to amplify messages and encourage planning ahead.
There will be a range of activities taking place on the day including:
- an in-person information session at Guildford Baptist Church, from 11am to 1pm. To attend the Planning for your future in-person information session, please book online
- an online webinar that is open to residents and professionals in Surrey and the three local authority areas, taking place from 7pm to 8pm. To attend the Planning for your future online webinar, please book online