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Gambling harm 2025 campaign launched

Surrey County Council’s Public Health team is running a campaign to raise awareness of gambling harm and how people can access help and support.

If you’re in a role where you work directly with clients and members of the public, there are things you can do to help reduce the negative effects of harmful gambling including: 

  1. Ask clients/patients if gambling is affecting them (where appropriate to do so). These two questions have been tested with council staff and the public and shown to work well: 
    • Is your own gambling, or that of someone else, causing you any worries?
    • Do you think you are affected by any gambling, either your own or someone else's?
  1. Signpost people to the range of free sources of gambling support and services
  2. Share/publicise Surrey’s gambling related harm campaign on social media
  3. Increase knowledge by attending free online training on gambling related harm: