Time to pick up the pieces
It can be difficult to pick up the pieces after a long period of caring. Here are some issues you might want to think about in terms of moving on.
Having a break
You may be relieved when your caring role stops and this can make you feel guilty. This is a normal reaction. You may also feel unwell, as you are coping with grief and physical exhaustion from your caring role. There also may be health issues that you have ignored for some while.
You may have some immediate practical issues to deal with, so it is important to give yourself the space and time for a much needed rest and to adjust without rushing into making any significant decisions about how you fill your time in the future.
You could consider taking a short break somewhere to recuperate. Talk to your GP, who may be able to give you a GP Carers Break Payment to help cover the cost. You could just do things you enjoy such as read a book, go for a walk, or see family and friends.
For more information on local support to take a break see Action for Carers.