Time to look after yourself
It is very important that you take care of yourself while grieving. A crucial way of doing this is to allow yourself to talk about the person you cared for and how you are feeling. Think about whom you feel most comfortable talking to, for example, a close friend, another family member, a faith leader, a health or social care professional, or a support organisation.
There is a useful list of do's and don'ts in terms of looking after your own emotional wellbeing.
Don't ignore your physical wellbeing. You may not feel like eating in the early stages of grieving, or you may not feel like cooking and just want to eat ‘comfort' foods. This is quite normal. Try and remember that you need to try and eat as healthily as you can and that there's lots of information around to help you with this.
You may have problems sleeping, in which case talk to your GP. You can also try exercising during the day and avoiding caffeine and alcohol.