Adaptations can range in scale and cost. It might be as small as fixing an intercom or as large as an extension to the home. Your local social care team may give financial support for minor adaptations. You may also be entitled to financial help with more major adaptations via a Disabled Facilities Grant. Go to Funding end of life care for more information.
Things to think about
- Make sure the equipment works not just for the person but also for you. Carers UK has a room by room guide on types of equipment that may or may not help.
- Any decisions about equipment and adaptations also need to take into account the risks to your own physical wellbeing, particularly where moving and handling of the person is involved. The carers moving and handling team are able to give you details on how to access a back care assessment by a back care advisor as well as training on how to move and handle the person safely.
- Explore with the person you care for if it is realistic to provide appropriate treatment and care in the home and what impact the necessary equipment, technology, and adaptations might have on their home environment.