Getting started
The When someone dies (GOV.UK) provides a useful step-by-step guide on what to do after someone dies.
One of the first things to do when the person you cared for has died is to check whether there is a will. They may also have left other instructions in ‘letters of wishes’. You may already know if there is a will and where it is. For example, you have discussed with them that it will be left in the financial paperwork or with their solicitor. You may also have discussed with them being the executor of the Will or you know who the executor is.
If you cannot find a will in their home, check if you can find a certificate of deposit, which is sent if the Will is kept by the Principal Registry of the Family Division. Even without a certificate of deposit, it is worth checking with the Registry to see if they hold the Will. If the person you care for died in a hospital or care home, check if the Will was left with them. You can contact their solicitor, accountant, or bank to see if they hold the Will. The will may be registered with Certainty – The National Will Register, the Law Society’s endorsed provider of a national will register and search service. You can pay for a search of wills registered on their database.
If you are dealing with the estate owned by the person you cared for, bear in mind it can take many months, depending on the complexity of their affairs. You can handle it all yourself or you can decide to pass on the role to a solicitor and the estate will pay the fees. If you think of doing it yourself, make sure you can cope with the demands on your time. If you go ahead without a solicitor download a guide on How to obtain probate: a guide for people acting without a solicitor (PA2).
Here is more information on looking for a solicitor to deal with the estate on your behalf.
Here is more information about what to do next in terms of dealing with the estate.