We are experiencing problems with our shortlist functionality. We're working to fix this as quickly as possible. Sorry for any issues caused.

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Get our widget for your website

Widgets are like mini apps you can add to your website. They're easy to set up - you just copy and paste some code.

Our Self Serve widget lets your visitors find nearby services. They can pick a category and enter their postcode, and the widget shows them relevant options.

Want to see what it looks like? Check out the preview!

Embed code

<script defer="defer" src="https://www.connecttosupportsurrey.org.uk/Resources/Councils/Surrey/widget/widget-user-serviced.js" itemsPerPage="12" postcode="" search="" fields="Description,ListImagePath," attrValue=""></script><div id="cts-widget"></div>

Widget preview

This is how the widget will display when embedded.